Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Release of landmark study - Board Governance Practices in the Voluntary Sector

The findings of a landmark study of the governance practices of Canada's non profit boards carried out by Strategic Leverage Partners Inc., in partnership with the Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development, will be released on April 26th. The report includes the results of an extensive survey as well as numerous interviews with Canadian nonprofit board governance leaders and discussions with both board members and senior executives of Canadian non-profit organizations. It identifies the major challenges facing Canada's non-profit boards and goes a step further in building an inventory of successful practices used by today's boards to address these challenges.

The report will be launched at an Institute of Corporate Directors breakfast in Toronto on April 26th, after which it will be available from the Strategic Leverage Partners website at For information on the ICD breakfast, please visit (events).

For further information on the study and other upcoming launch events, please visit the Strategic Leverage Partners website or contact Sue Dallhoff at or Grace Bugg at

Thank you.

Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Dunton Tower, Room 2020
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6
Tel.: 613-520-7444
Fax: 613-520-7488

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