Friday, June 09, 2006
Engaging and Empowering - a National Event for Co-operatives and Credit Union
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Chantal McDonald
Executive Assistant, Member Services
Canadian Co-operative Association
400 - 275 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K2P 2L6
Tel: (613) 238-6711, ext. 217
Fax: (613) 567-0658
CCA provides leadership to promote, develop and unite co-operatives and credit unions for the benefit of people in Canada and around the world.
The National Event for Co-operatives and Credit Unions
June 9 - 10, 2006 in London, Ontario
The Canadian co-operative movement's event of the year will feature 12 workshops under three streams: Co-operative Development; Co-operative Business Excellence; and Engagement with Members, Community, Government, and Customers. There will also be presentations of the Co-operative Achievement and Global Co-operator awards, and "Beat Poverty," the fundraiser dinner of the Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada. Register for this event today!
Don McNair
Centre for Community Enterprise -
1601 - 25th Avenue, Vernon, B.C. V1T 1M8 CANADA
direct line 250-542-7057 customer service (toll-free) 1-888-255-6779
Friday, June 02, 2006
Natural City 2006 workshop: Sustainable Banking
Natural City Workshops - Friday, June 2, 2006
Banks and the Community - Helping Our Cities Be Sustainable: Are Banks Doing Enough?
Presented by Innovest Strategic Value Advisors
Bahen Centre for Information Technology, Room 1200
40 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario
Workshop Summary
Banks today have the potential to be more than just large, impersonal financial institutions. They have the potential to be real partners in the communities in which they operate by helping create livable areas that are safe, healthy and environmentally sound, with good access to education and possibilities for an active lifestyle .. In other words, sustainable cities. How are banks responding to this challenge? How do people perceive the banking community? Is there more Canadian banks could be doing to promote sustainable cities?
This panel workshop will focus on sustainability within the banking industry and the role banks can play in facilitating the development and movement towards sustainable cities. The workshop will feature an introductory overview of the key sustainability risks confronting the banking industry and drivers of these risks and opportunities, such as changes stemming from new environmental regulations and legislation. This will be followed by various presentations exploring new programs and initiatives in the industry, for instance how banks are collaborating with various groups and organisations to invest in urban revitalization, community development, and environmental risk mitigation while taking advantage of 'green' opportunities through various programs and initiatives, such as preferential rates and financing for green businesses and initiatives.
- Amy Hall, Banking Analyst, Innovest Strategic Value Advisors
- Ron Dembo, Founder and CEO of Zerofootprint
- David Wheeler, Director, Business and Sustainability Program. Erivan K. Haub Chair in Business and Sustainability, Schulich School of Business, York University.
- Nelson Switzer, Senior Manager, Environmental Risk Management, RBC
- Representative from CIBC - Speaker to be confirmed
Banks and the Community - Helping Our Cities Be Sustainable: Are Banks Doing Enough? is presented by the Natural City 2006 with support from the following sponsor:
Workshop Registration
(Includes 1/2 day workshop and Networking lunch)
General Fee:
$175.00 CDN
$50.00 CDN
Job Creation Without a Boss? The Case of Argentina's Recovered Companies
Friday, June 2, 2006, 6.30 pm
"Job Creation Without a Boss? The Case of Argentina's Recovered Companies"
Keynote Address: Eduardo Murua, President of the Movimiento Nacional de Empresas Recuperadas
Film screening of The Take, directed by Avi Lewis, written by Naomi Klein
National Film Board, 2004 (duration: 85 minutes)
OISE/UT Auditorium
252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Canada
Subway: St. George
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Co-operatives in the Pursuit of Peace
The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) has formally recognized and encouraged the roles that co-operatives can play in ensuring more peaceful relations at local, national, and international levels. However, there has been limited research undertaken to understand how effective co-operatives have been or could be in achieving such goals. To address this gap and to open the floor for serious discussion and reflection, a workshop and conference are being planned for June 2006 in British Columbia, Canada.
Dr. Yehudah Paz, Chairperson, Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development and member of the Board of the ICA and Dr Ian MacPherson, Director of the British Columbia Institute of Co-operative Studies (BCICS) are combining efforts to organize an international gathering for the purpose of enhancing our understanding the role of co-operatives in the pursuit of peace.
For more information please click