Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Ninth Annual Agribusiness Co-operative Leadership and Governance Forum: November 18 - 19, 2006

MONASH UNIVERSITY in association with the Co-operative Federations of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia and the New Zealand Co-operatives Association invite you to:


This is a rare opportunity to attend an international event in the co-operative calendar. A must for anyone involved in co-operative leadership, governance, communications and networking, and those interested in the future potential and recognition of outstanding achievements in the sector

SATURDAY 18th and SUNDAY 19th November 2006
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Darling Harbour
Sydney, Australia

Key topics:

  • International expert in structural change, Dr Fabio Chaddad will lead a case study discussion on the challenge of governing structural change in co-operatives
  • New governance structures for user-owned enterprises: An international comparison of innovative co-operatives
  • Strategies for member communication
  • Integrated governance review
  • The CEO-Board relationship
  • The challenge of chairmanship

Registration and nominations for the above are to be forwarded by 1st November 2006 to: Dr. Lawrie Dooley, Food & Agribusiness Programs Director, Department of Management, PO Box 197, Caulfield East, Vic 3145

For further information:
Phone: 03 9903 2757, fax 03 9903 2718
Email: Lawrence.dooley@buseco.monash.edu.au

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Nora Cortinas - The 2006 Michael Baptista Lecture: September 22, 2006

The Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) and the Latin American Human Rights Education and Research Network (RedLEIDH) proudly announce

The 2006 Michael Baptista Lecture

Argentinean Human Rights Leader

Co-founder of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo – Linea Fundadora (Mothers of May Square)
Friday, September 22nd, 2006
7:00 p.m.

Keele Campus of York University in
Computer Science and Engineering Building (CSE) Lecture Hall “C”

Pensions at Work Conference: October 20 - 21, 2006.

Pensions at Work Conference
October 20 - 21, 2006
room 12-199
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON

An opportunity for university researchers, union and employer pension trustees, social investment consultants and those working in the pension industry to discuss cutting-edge research issues facing pension trustees. This is the last annual conferences of a research/education project on the socially responsible investment of pension funds in the new economy, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This small conference is structured to allow for full dialogue by all participants. The Canadian Labour Congress and all Federations of Labour are partners in this project.

There is no registration fee but please email our Conference Coordinator Annette Courtemanche if you wish to attend: annette.courtemanche@utoronto.ca

You can find the agenda at: http://www.pensionsatwork.ca/ or see below.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Co-op Housing Conference: October 17-21, 2006


Cooperatives.... Spectacular by Nature - the National Association of Housing Cooperatives 2006 Annual Conference will be held in Vancouver, BC, October 17-21.

The program will include a track for developers and include a developers roundtable, Canadian approaches for preserving affordability and a discussion on successful housing conversions to co-ops.

For more information visit:

Audrey MalanExecutive Director
P.O. Box 527
Dayton, WY 82836
Ph: 307-655-9162;
Fx: 307-655-3785

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Conference - The New Federal Policy Agenda: Where does the voluntary sector fit in?: October 20--21, 2006

The School of Policy Studies, Queen's University is pleased to announce its Seventh Annual National Forum on Public Policy and the Third Sector. This year's theme is “The New Federal Policy Agenda.”

We are entering a time of transition. The eleven years of Liberal regime have come to an end and the Conservatives now have the opportunity to take the centre stage and define a new federal policy agenda. It is in this context that this year’s conference will look at the challenges and opportunities facing voluntary and community organizations within the new policy context set by the Conservatives. It will address the following questions: Is there a place for the voluntary sector under the new conservative policy agenda? What roles are we seeing emerging for the sector? By bringing together public servants, experts and practitionners, the conference provides a valuable forum for dialogue on how the newly elected government and the voluntary sector can work together and take forward the lessons learned over the past decade to continue to engage a voluntary sector which is creative, innovative and collaborative.

This conference will take place on October 20-21, 2006 at the School of Policy Studies in Kingston, Ontario. For more information or to register, please visit our conference website at:


If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Laforest:

Public Policy and Third Sector Initiative
School of Policy Studies
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
K7L 3N6
tel: (613) 533-6000 ext. 77264
email: laforest@post.queensu.ca

Le Nouvel Agenda Federal: Quelle place pour le secteur benevole et communautaire?

Le Nouvel Agenda Federal: Quelle place pour le secteur bénévole et communautaire?

Nous entrons présentement une période de transition. Les onze années sous le régime Libéral viennent de se terminer et les Conservateurs ont maintenant l’opportunité de prendre les rennes et définir un nouvel agenda pour le gouvernement fédéral. C’est dans ce nouveau contexte politique que la conférence sur les politiques publiques et le secteur bénévole et communautaire propose d’explorer les défis et les opportunités qui se présentent pour les organisations bénévoles et communautaires au Canada. L’objectif de cette conférence est d’étudier les questions suivantes: Est-ce qu’il y a un role et une place pour le secteur bénévole et communautaire dans l’agenda politique des Conservateurs? Quels sont les opportunités qui se dessinent pour les organisations sur le terrain? Cette conférence constitue un forum de débats important qui rassemblent des représentants du secteur bénévole et communautaire, des fonctionnaires publiques et des chercheurs afin de discuter des enjeux contemporains qui affectent les rapports entre l’État et la société civile.

Cette conférence aura lieu les 20-21 Octobre, 2006 à Kingston, Ontario. Pour plus d’information ou pour s’inscrire, visiter:


Rachel Laforest
Public Policy and Third Sector Initiative
School of Policy Studies
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
K7L 3N6
tel: (613) 533-6000 ext. 77264
email: laforest@post.queensu.ca

Friday, September 15, 2006

September 19 Sustainable Food launch at the University

On September 19 the University of Toronto will officially become the first Canadian university to make a commitment to bring local sustainable food to campus.

We are proud to participate in the ground-breaking program and hope that you will join us at the at 10am on September 19 on Hart House Circle to officially launch the program and to taste some of the creations that the UofT chefs are making with Local Flavour Plus certified food.

Local Flavour Plus (LFP) is a non-profit organization that brings farmers and consumers to the table to share in the benefits of environmentally and socially responsible food production. We are committed to building and fostering local sustainable food systems by certifying farmers and processors and linking them with local purchasers. www.localflavourplus.ca

Saturday, September 09, 2006

CWCF Conference Program - Edmonton, November 16 - 18

Dear CWCF members & others,

The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation is pleased to announce the program for its annual meeting and Conference – to be held in Edmonton, Alberta, November 16 - 18.

We are especially excited to welcome Javier Salaberria from the Mondragon co-operative system in Spain as keynote speaker. Please see attached for all the details. The registration form will be available on the CWCF site in a couple of weeks.

Worker Co-op Merit Award
CWCF is seeking nominations for the worker co-op merit award. Deadline for nominations: Sept. 15th. The award goes to a person who has made outstanding contributions to worker co-operation, usually from the region in which the annual Conference is held.

Current CWCF Board members and staff are not eligible. If you want to nominate someone, please submit the nominee’s name to me and we will follow up to obtain the other required information.

CWCF Director Nominations
April Bourgeois, CWCF Prairies Region Director, is coordinating the CWCF Director Nominating Committee for 2006. This year, the two regions which will elect a director are BC/Yukon and Atlantic Canada.

If you are from a worker co-op member in one of those regions and interested in running for the Board, or would like to volunteer for the Committee, please contact April at aprilb@planetsmag.com, or 306-651-3427.

We hope to see you in November!
In co-operation,
Hazel Corcoran
Executive Director, CWCF /
Directrice générale, FCCT
Coodinator / Coordonnatrice, CoopZone
#104, 402 - 30th Ave NE
Calgary, AB T2E 2E3
Tél / fax: (403) 287-2069

Forthcoming 2006 Survey of Ontario Co-operatives and Credit Unions

2006 Survey of Ontario Co-operatives and Credit Unions – coming this Fall.

This fall, the main/head offices of all credit unions and co-operatives in Ontario will be contacted by survey staff from the Ontario Co-operative Association as part of census on the Ontario co-op sector. The results will demonstrate the size, scope and role of co-operatives and credit unions in Ontario.

Our research will also identify constraints that co-ops and credit unions face in attempting to complete their missions. This data will assist us to improve the capacity of the co-operative and credit union sectors in serving their members. Information from this survey will also be used to improve the relationship between the co-operative and credit union sectors and government. Visit www.Ontario.coop for more information.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lunchbox Speakers' Series - September 20, 2006 Community-University Collaborative Research: Issues And Challenges

The Social Economy Centre and the Collaborative Program in Community Development of The University Of Toronto Present:

A panel exploring issues in collaborative research arrangements between community organizations and universities and discusses challenges that community/university research alliances encounter.

September 20, 2006
Noon - 2 PM
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT)
252 Bloor St. West, Toronto
Room 12-199

* Craig McNaughton, Acting Assistant Director of Strategic Programs, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
* Eric Bastien, Senior Program Officer, Strategic Programs and Joint Initiatives Division, SSHRC
* Michael Hall, Vice-President Research, Imagine Canada
* Sharon Wood, Executive Director, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Ontario Chapter

* Normand Labrie, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, OISE/UT

Mark your calendars:
October 11: Bill Young of Social Capital Partners talks frankly about the challenges of creating successful social enterprises in Canada

November 8: Susan Henry of Alterna Savings and Susan McLean of Access Riverdale talk about microlending

For more information, please contact Sherap Winn at swinn@oise.utoronto.ca or (416) 923-6641, extension 2087.

SHARE. LEARN. GROW. Provincial Co-operative Gala.

On Co-op
Provincial Co-operative Gala.
Wednesday October 18, 2006.


The Co-op Gala, encompassing the Co-operative Spirit Recognition Awards, is one of the sector's premier events. For 2006, the Gala is co-hosted by Gay Lea Foods Co-operative and Credit Union Central of Ontario. Workshops, sessions and forums are held throughout the day to stimulate, challenge and inform. Invitation and Registration Form.

Mark your calendars now!!. More details ...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Engaging Organic Intellectuals. Presentation by Karsten Mundel, University of Alberta

The Transformative Learning Centre and The Social Economy Centre (OISE/University of Toronto) present:

Engaging Organic Intellectuals: Transformative Learning and Farmers' Transition to Sustainable Agriculture

Karsten Mündel, University of Alberta

Based on a research recently completed as part of his doctoral dissertation at OISE/UT, Karsten Mundel will explore farmers’ learning that resulted from their transition to sustainable and counterhegemonic agriculture in Alberta. Most farmers have serious questions about the extensive use of chemical products and industrial processes endemic to North American agriculture today, yet they continue these practices. However, there are a few farmers who have decided to farm in ways that are environmentally and socially sustainable. Understanding these farmers’ transformative learning can help broaden our understanding of how people learn and act to make change in the world.

Karsten Mundel is affiliated with the University of Alberta, where he works with the Mexico-Prairies Rural Development Exchange (www.augustana.ca/rdx) and the Community Service Learning program (http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/arts/CSLhome.cfm). Karsten has been involved in research on international youth exchanges and on the informal learning of volunteers. Karsten also tries to farm organically in his back-yard garden in his spare time.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
4:00 to 5:30 pm
OISE/UT, 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto
Room 7-162

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

2007 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the The University of Saskatchewan - May 26th to June 3rd

The University of Saskatchewan is hosting the 2007 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canada’s largest multi-disciplinary academic meeting.

This major national event – a congress of about 70 conferences – will be held May 26th to June 3rd, 2007. http://www.fedcan.ca/congress2007/fastfacts.htm

Studies involving the Social Economy can be found within many of the conferences. You are encouraged to send us your call for papers and we will post it here. Addtionally, please share with the readers what conferences you feel are particularly relevant to the Social Economy.

Register Now! Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise

"Building Social Enterprise" - National Conference on Social Enterprise

January 28-31, 2007 in Vancouver, B.C.

This conference is a singular training and networking opportunity for social enterprise groups, managers and staff, government staff, consultants, funders and academics. It offers workshop sessions in four practical learning streams: Early Stage Planning, Operations and Growth, Enterprise Series, and Social Enterprise Environment. Click here for conference details and registration.

David LePage
Enterprising Non-Profits Program
510 - 815 W. Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1B4

Inscrivez-vous maintenant! 2e Conférence canadienne sur l'entreprise sociale

2e Conférence canadienne sur l’entreprise socialeDu 28 au 31 janvier 2007

Pour obtenir plus d’information sur la conférence (programme, conférenciers et horaire des séances), visitez http://www.enterprisingnonprofits.ca/

David LePage
Enterprising Non-Profits Program
510 - 815 W. Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1B4


The 2007 National Community Economic Development Conference will be held in St. John’s, Newfoundland, April 18-21, 2007, and is being organized by the Canadian CED Network in partnership with local host Futures In Newfoundland and Labrador’s Youth! (FINALY!).

The conference title is "Bring It Home: Building Communities from a Rock Foundation" and the event will offer keynote speakers, site visits, workshops, plenary sessions, networking and social events to the 500 expected participants.

This year, conference organizers are inviting proposals specifically for four conference streams, as well as other topics of interest. The four streams are: Technology and CED, Youth and CED, Aboriginal CED, and Building Bridges.

Sessions must be one of four formats: introductory level sessions (2.5 hours), cracker barrel presentations (30 minutes), successful & innovative experiences (2.5 hours), and in-depth learning/practitioner development (5 hours). Workshops utilizing innovative, inclusive and participatory approaches will be given special consideration.

Your responses will be used to design the final program, which will be published when registration gets underway in January 2007.

For the full text of the call for proposals and to easily submit a proposal via an on-line form, visit the Canadian CED Network website at:


The deadline for submitting proposals is September 22, 2006.
We hope to see you in St. John’s!

Jaie Skalin,
Conference Coordinator
Canadian CED Network
Telephone: 250.386.9980 or 877.202.2268 (ext.109)


Le Congrès pancanadien de développement économique communautaire 2007 aura lieu à St. John’s (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) du 18 au 21 avril 2007. Il est organisé conjointement par le Réseau canadien de DÉC et l’organisme hôte Futures In Newfoundland and Labrador’s Youth! (FINALY!).

Le congrès aura pour titre «La mise en ?uvre chez nous : bâtir des communautés sur une base solide». Des discours-programmes, des visites de site, des ateliers, des séances plénières et des activités sociales et de réseautage sont prévus au programme de l’événement, auquel sont attendus 500 participants.

Cette année, les organisateurs du congrès vous invitent à proposer des ateliers portant sur les quatre volets définis pour l’événement ou sur tout autre sujet d’intérêt. Les quatre volets sont : la technologie et le DÉC; les jeunes et le DÉC; le DÉC en milieu autochtone; l’établissement de ponts.

Les séances devront prendre l’une des quatre formes suivantes : séances d’introduction (2,5 heures); présentations rotatives (cracker barrel) (30 minutes); histoires de réussite et expériences nouvelles (2,5 heures); apprentissage approfondi et perfectionnement des praticien(ne)s (5 heures). Nous donnerons préséance aux ateliers s’appuyant sur des approches innovantes, plurielles et participatives.

Nous établirons le programme final en fonction de vos réponses. Nous publierons celui-ci lorsque le processus d’inscription commencera, en janvier 2007.

Pour lire le document complet de l’appel de propositions et soumettre facilement une proposition au moyen de notre formulaire en ligne, visitez le site du Réseau canadien de DÉC à l’adresse suivante :


La date limite de soumission des propositions est le 22 septembre 2006.

Nous espérons vous voir à St. John’s!

Jaie Skalin,
Coordonnatrice du Congrès
Le Réseau canadien de DÉC
Téléphone: 250.386.9980 ou 877.202.2268 (poste 109)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Conference on the Role of Cooperative Enterprise, Ownership and Control

An International Conference on Cooperative Forms of Organization

Reclaiming the Economy: The Role of Cooperative Enterprise, Ownership and Control

The Wales Institute for Research into Cooperatives
Cardiff, Wales
Wednesday 6th - Friday 8th September 2006

This international conference is designed to explore the profile of cooperative forms of organization with a view to establishing a multidisciplinary research agenda which serves the mutual interests of both academics and practitioners.
To learn more about this event, go to the conference site.