Saturday, September 09, 2006

CWCF Conference Program - Edmonton, November 16 - 18

Dear CWCF members & others,

The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation is pleased to announce the program for its annual meeting and Conference – to be held in Edmonton, Alberta, November 16 - 18.

We are especially excited to welcome Javier Salaberria from the Mondragon co-operative system in Spain as keynote speaker. Please see attached for all the details. The registration form will be available on the CWCF site in a couple of weeks.

Worker Co-op Merit Award
CWCF is seeking nominations for the worker co-op merit award. Deadline for nominations: Sept. 15th. The award goes to a person who has made outstanding contributions to worker co-operation, usually from the region in which the annual Conference is held.

Current CWCF Board members and staff are not eligible. If you want to nominate someone, please submit the nominee’s name to me and we will follow up to obtain the other required information.

CWCF Director Nominations
April Bourgeois, CWCF Prairies Region Director, is coordinating the CWCF Director Nominating Committee for 2006. This year, the two regions which will elect a director are BC/Yukon and Atlantic Canada.

If you are from a worker co-op member in one of those regions and interested in running for the Board, or would like to volunteer for the Committee, please contact April at, or 306-651-3427.

We hope to see you in November!
In co-operation,
Hazel Corcoran
Executive Director, CWCF /
Directrice générale, FCCT
Coodinator / Coordonnatrice, CoopZone
#104, 402 - 30th Ave NE
Calgary, AB T2E 2E3
Tél / fax: (403) 287-2069

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